Thursday, September 24, 2009

Chapter 4

Explain how teachers might use the NET-S standard performance indicators in developing their curriculum.
Teachers can use prior indicators to get a feel for what their students already know. This will help them spend less time teaching the students how to use technologies with which they are already familiar. This, in turn, will also help Teachers make logical decisions on which technology to use next. Looking ahead at the upcoming indicators can act as a sort of "teachers' rubric." Teachers can see what it is their students are expected to accomplish, and can help the teachers form curriculum's that will help their students achieve those milestones.

The chapter talked mostly about using computers and other electronic devices as technologies, is a book no longer considered a technology? Do children not need experience using books and navigating a library anymore?

As a Spanish teacher, it has been apparent for a while that audio/visual technology is a more successful way to teach language. I am hoping to be able to create lessons that resemble the "Rosetta Stone" style of technology teaching. If I can do it myself, it might be less expensive!


  1. 4/5 Seems that everyone needs to know how to look up books and other resources using the computer system, no card catalogs anymore.
    You may enjoy learning to use the podcast to record the spanish language!

  2. 0/5 I do not find the chapter 12 reflection from last week or the chapter 13 reflection for this week (0/5).
